Goalkeeper Kickers
Result :

Goalkeeper Kickers - OBO Robo Hi Rebound Orange
OBO Robo Hi Rebound Orange Goalkeeper Kickers

The Hi Rebound kicker has approximately 50% more rebound than the Hi Control kicker. Durability of the Hi-Rebound kicker continues to be improved with strap exit reinforcement on the underside of the kicker. The new pre-moulded tongue goes a long way in reducing pressure on the shin, easing friction in the early stages of use. The hidden straping system continues to create the perfect smooth kicking surface. Sizes: Medium: UK 5.5 - 8.5 Large: UK 8.5 - 12

RRP: £ 250.00

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Cricket-Hockey £ 225.00 - Buy Now
*Please note these postage costs in some cases are per order rather than per item
** TBC - to be confirmed on purchase
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